Pallone Announces Start of Additional Beach Replenishment in Long Branch, Monmouth Beach, Sea Bright


Date: Sept. 23, 2020
Location: Long Branch, NJ

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) announced today that the Army Corps of Engineers will begin new beach replenishment projects in Long Branch, Monmouth Beach, and Sea Bright on October 1. These new projects complement the beach replenishment projects Pallone announced last year and were completed this summer. In that announcement, Pallone promised to fight for funding for additional replenishment projects. As a result of Congressman Pallone's advocacy, these new projects will restore approximately1 million cubic yards of sand to beaches that suffer from erosion caused by tidal activity and storms.

"These additional replenishment projects are critical to our beaches and communities along the Jersey Shore," Pallone said. "After Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New Jersey in 2012, coastal restoration projects like beach replenishment ensured that our beaches would remain resilient as we rebuilt our communities. I would like to thank the Army Corps of Engineers for their dedication to this important project. Beach replenishment will make sure our beautiful beaches will remain safe and enjoyable for residents and tourists for years to come."

In preparation for this project, Pallone worked with the Army Corps and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to develop a plan to allow for timely distribution of sand along the three towns. Sand will be placed in Sea Bright from Tradewinds Lane north to Center Street. Sand will be placed in Long Branch from South Broadway to Joline, just south of Seven Presidents Park. In Monmouth Beach, sand will be placed from Cottage Road and will extend slightly into Sea Bright to Garden Way. The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of November if there are no weather or mechanical delays.

Pallone has been a longtime advocate for beach replenishment along the Jersey Shore. Following Superstorm Sandy, Congressman Pallone requested the Federal Emergency Management Agency allocate emergency funding to address immediate needs of impacted homeowners and businesses, as well as repair breached dunes and damaged beaches to protect New Jersey's coastal areas from future flooding. As a result, the beaches from Sea Bright to Manasquan were filled, which was the largest beach replenishment project ever undertaken by the Army Corps. In 2015, the areas from southern Deal to Loch Harbour were filled.

Pallone has also fought to protect New Jersey from the effects of climate change, flooding, and tidal activity. As Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Pallone has announced a bold plan to combat climate change by achieving net zero greenhouse gas pollution by 2050. This plan is consistent with the global scientific community's consensus that this target is necessary to avoid the most catastrophic effects of the climate crisis. Additional details on the plan are available here. Pallone is the author of the House-passed Living Shorelines Act that will expand federal investment in climate-resilient natural infrastructure like dunes, wetlands, and oyster reefs.
